Day 18 – MoarVM Internals for the Brave (and Curious)

Hi there! I’m the guy who developed the MoarVM x64 JIT compiler during
this year’s GSoC. Jonathan has already given a detailed (and clear)
overview of MoarVMs optimization subsystems, of which the JIT compiler
is but a small step. Today, I’m going to try and show you how you can
see this in action. But first, a sample program:

    use v6;
    sub fibonacci (int $n --> int) {
        my int $x = 1;
        my int $y = 1;
        while $n > 0 {
            $x = $x + $y;
            $y = $x - $y;
            $n = $n - 1;
        return $y;
    for ^40 -> int $x {
        say fibonacci $x;

Careful readers will spot the native integer definitions sprinkled
throughout the code. You can write perl6 code as if it is C,
too. (After all, that’s just one more way to do it). I’m not entirely
sure about other backends, but on MoarVM these really work – no object
is ever allocated for them.

Rakudo perl 6 can do more than just run this code, it can also show
you how it understands it. I’ve saved the above program as ‘fib.p6’,
and you can get a (rather verbose) textual representation of the
syntax tree by using the special target command line option:

perl6-m --target=mast fib.p6

However, this is just a static analysis. What we’re really interested
in is what happens during runtime. MoarVM will show you all the gory
details if you specify a filename with the MVM_SPESH_LOG environment
variable, like so.

export MVM_SPESH_LOG=spesh-log.txt; perl6-m fib.p6

From the outside it looks as if nothing special has
happened. As they say, looks are deceiving, because MoarVM has
faithfully produced a text file that details the way your code has
been changed. It is larger even than the first analysis, but it also
contains more information. Let’s look at the our function:

    Inserting logging for specialization of 'fibonacci' 
(cuid: cuid_2_1418763286.32937)
    Spesh of 'fibonacci' (cuid: cuid_2_1418763286.32937, file: fib.p6:3)

    BB 0 (0x4f77118):
      Successors: 1, 6, 5, 7, 9
      Dominance children: 1, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10

    BB 1 (0x4f77188):
        checkarity liti16(1), liti16(1)
        param_rp_i r2(1), liti16(0)
        bindlex lex(idx=5,outers=0,$n), r2(1)
        const_i64_16 r0(1), liti16(0)
        bindlex lex(idx=1,outers=0,$x), r0(1)


This little snippet is not without jargon, so I’ll try to explain. (I
did warn you at the top). The ‘cuid’ is the compilation unit
identifier, and it serves to identify the source of any
function. Sometimes compilation units correspond to files, and
sometimes they don’t (like in a REPL loop). The indented blocks denote
Basic Blocks. A Basic Block is a sequence of instructions that is
uninterrupted by a (conditional) jump. They are important because
within a basic block it is always obvious where all the values are
coming from.

Further along in our spesh log, we can see how spesh has transformed
the first block:

      BB 1 (0x4f77188):
          sp_getarg_i r2(1), liti16(0)
          bindlex lex(idx=5,outers=0,$n), r2(1)
          const_i64_16 r0(1), liti16(0)

This is the same start of the function as before. What has happened is
that the polymorphic instruction param_rp_i to the much simpler
instruction sp_getarg_i. As Jonathan explained, we can get away with
this because we know exactly how this function is called, which is
just at line 15 of our little script.

While the spesh log is certainly interesting, it is no good for light
reading. Which is why I wanted to show off a really cool tool that
Timo Paulssen (timotimo) made a while ago – a way to transform a piece
of the spesh log (the ‘spesh graph’ that represents the code of a
function) into a visual form (with a little help of
graphviz). Unfortunately, I couldn’t really get it to work. This
demonstrates something important about all the tools that I’m showing
today – they’ve all been designed not for language users but VM
developers, and they may all be broken this time next year.

[I was able to run the tool and get this piece of output. – timotimo]

Let’s wrap it up. If you’re interested in what kind of assembly code
the JIT will produce for you, there is also a way to get to that. Run
your script again as follows:

export MVM_JIT_BYTECODE_DIR=. # or /tmp, or some other directory
perl6-m fib.p6

If you’ve followed these instructions directly, what you’ll now see is
your working directory littered with binary files representing different
frames (functions). Every such file will contain the raw binary data
generated by the JIT compiler. Inspecting these files is easy enough
(as long as you do know x64 assembly):

objdump -D -b binary -m i386:x86-64 -M intel `ls *.fibonacci.bin`

If you’re on a mac, that’s gobjdump rather than objdump. And if you
prefer AT&T syntax over intel syntax, just drop the ‘-M intel’ part.
Looking at the output of this bytecode, you might also see the rather
wastefull way your code is compiled. After all, I’ve written this
function specifically for simplicity. Yet I count no fewer than 215
‘mov’ instructions, 18 conditional move instructions, and 16 function
calls. As much as MoarVM and perl6 have achieved this year, there is
still a lot left to do. And with that, I wish you a hacky christmas

One thought on “Day 18 – MoarVM Internals for the Brave (and Curious)

  1. AweSome!

    # perl6

    sub fib (int $n –> int) {
    $n < 2 ?? $n !! fib($n-1) + fib($n-2)

    say fib 30; # 2.83s

    # perl6

    sub fib ($n) {
    $n < 2 ?? $n !! fib($n-1) + fib($n-2)

    say fib 30; # 8.87s

    # perl5

    sub fib {
    my $n = shift;
    $n < 2 ? $n : fib($n-1) + fib($n-2)

    print fib 30; # 1.7s

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